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Eboni Webb, Psy.D., HSP

Eboni Webb, Psy.D., HSP

Eboni Webb, Psy.D., HSP is a licensed psychologist and serves as an advisor to the Dialectical Behavior Therapy National Certification and Accreditation Association (DBTNCAA).

She has practiced in numerous community settings including clinics that treat underserved communities of color, clients with developmental disabilities, and clients suffering from severe and persistent mental illness. She worked at the largest mental health clinic at the time in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area that specialized in treating clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). She has practiced DBT in community mental health centers and developed two special DBT-oriented treatment programs for clients with developmental disabilities and borderline-intellectual functioning.

Dr. Webb currently resides in Nashville, TN where she has been serving clients in her private practice, Kairos. She continues to specialize in individual and group DBT as well as cognitive-behavior strategies that address a myriad of clinical issues. She also offers special group therapies for adults and a dual-track of teen skills training that includes their parents.

She is currently working to adapt DBT for clients with severe and persistent mental illness (e.g. psychotic-based disorders).


“Dr. Webb was an excellent presenter – very engaging, clear and informative in the information she shared. I enjoyed and appreciated the personal examples and client scenarios she applied to the DBT concepts. Great sense of humour as well!”
– Calgary, AB | November 22, 2019

“Honestly one of the best workshops I’ve ever attended. Dr. Webb is engaging, knowledgeable and communicates in a clear and entertaining way. This has changed how I conceptualize some of my clients and I look forward to incorporating these skills into my practice. I also forward to reading some of the resources to supplement my understanding. I would highly recommend this workshop to colleagues.”
– Saskatoon, SK | November 18 – 19, 2019

“Excellent material and best presentation I’ve attended in a long time. Will use in my practice daily!”
– Saskatoon, SK | November 18 – 19, 2019

“Excellent speaker and presentation style. Lots of clinically useful tools and tips. Provided relevant and memorable examples.”
– Oakville, ON | May 27 – 28, 2019

“Dr. Webb was excellent. She was knowledgeable and engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed her use of humour.”
– Oakville, ON | May 27 – 28, 2019

“Lovely presenter with relevant and applicable info. Appreciated her examples and balance of theory/ knowledge and application.”
– Calgary, AB | May 9, 2019

“Eboni is a dynamic + knowledgeable presenter. She was able to maintain our interest through the use of information and personal stories. I learned a lot and I am intrigued to learn more.”
– Langley, BC | November 20-22, 2017

“Dr. Webb is amazing. Great examples and excellent presenter.”
– Edmonton, AB | April 3-5, 2017

“Dr. Eboni Webb is fantastic! I would love to be more like her not only with patients but also as a mom! Thank you.”
– Corrie Sondeli | Winnipeg, MB | June 1-3, 2016

“Wonderful! Today was advanced, comprehensive, motivating. Knowledge and learning applicable across spectrum of work.”
– Winnipeg, MB | June 1-3, 2016

“Quite an informative session. Dr. Webb’s anecdotes were quite shocking, it takes an individual with real passion for this type of clientele who’d make challenging and meaningful outcomes I the individual’s lives.”
– Vancouver, BC | May 25-27, 2016

“Eboni Webb’s many examples-helpful and demonstrate her points.”
– Vancouver, BC | May 25-27, 2016



Upcoming workshops featuring Eboni Webb, Psy.D., HSP