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Zachary Walsh, Ph.D.

Zachary Walsh, Ph.D.

Zachary Walsh, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the UBC Department of Psychology and Director of the Therapeutic, Recreational and Problematic Substance Use lab at UBC. Having completed a clinical internship and a research fellowship at the Brown University Centre for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, Dr. Walsh is a registered clinical psychologist who has published and presented internationally on issues related to cannabis and mental health. His research has been supported by the Canadian Institute of Health Research, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Health Canada, BC Interior Health Authority, the Peter Wall Endowment, and the American Psychological Association. He is currently the Principal Investigator for several cannabis use studies, including a clinical trial of cannabis for PTSD.



“Excellent workshop! I would highly recommend this to any of my colleagues. I work in a family health team and would love if a similar workshop was targeted to family physicians, as they work directly with patients and yet often express they have a lack of knowledge about cannabis.” 

“Very helpful. Dr Walsh is a dynamic speaker -very knowledgeable. Kept my attention the entire day!”

“It was clear that Zach is well informed and also passionate about this subject matter, as well as issues of human rights and social justice, very holistic approach.”

“I enjoyed it and learned a lot. I have already used some of the info during case conferences and in supervision.”

More information: blogs.ubc.ca/walshlab/